This weekend was my first ever dove hunt and boy was it fun. I got to try on my camo-onezie and shoot my first gun! Ok, not really, but Grandaddy, Uncle Scott, and Daddy sure had fun shooting theirs...some shot more than others(Daddy shot the most birds...but you didn’t hear that from me). We had a great weekend at the river with the entire Crocker family except Aunt CC and Laurie. It’s a good thing for Daddy because Aunt CC is the best shot of the bunch.
The big news, however, is that I sat up by myself for the first time! Mommy and I were sitting on the couch and I just started sitting. I was a little wobbly, like I’d had a few too many, but Honey told us that Mommy was the same way when she was learning. If you haven’t seen me in a while you wouldn’t even recognize me. Thanks for all of your pryers and support, they are so greatly appreciated. God’s blessing on each of the way, if you haven’t emailed me, I love to hear from you...especially if you have any dirt on Mommy. Peace and Joy
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