It’s only September, but I am getting ready for the Rodeo! Yee-Haw!
Actually, this weekend was pretty cool. On Saturday morning Mommy made pancakes for she and Daddy...or her and Daddy...not really sure about the grammar, sorry Mimi, I am only a baby. Anyway, Daddy thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if he stuck a piece of pancake in my face. Well, I was curious too and took a bite. Not only did I take a bite, I chewed it up an swallowed it! This was my first time ever to do this...Ever! We were all very excited. Daddy tried another bite, and I took it. It is here where the story gets foggy and differs depending on who you ask. While I did chew the second bite there is no evidence that I actually swallowed it. Some say I did, others, not so much. Daddy then tried a small bite with a little syrup on top. It was here that the pancakes decided to make a return appearance...and then so did the entire feeding Daddy had just given me. It was fun for nobody. We are not sure if it was too much for me, if I had a piece stuck in my mouth and the third piece pushed it and caused a gag reflex, or if there was an unknown fourth agent at work. Daddy recently met Sen. Cornyn and he is thinking of asking him to hold a Congressional Hearing on this, but we’ll see. We just really pray that I will continue to want to eat through my mouth so that we can move away from the tube and that this event would not cause me to be gun shy.
On another note, I started to stand up by myself today. I mean Daddy was sort-of guiding me, but it was all my power. It wont be long before I am off and running and “Little Destructo” is on the loose...oh yah, have I not told you that I like to throw things? Hee Hee!
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