Today we had another visit with Dr. T, our neurologist. He was very impressed with the progress that I have made over the past week. I have been seizure free for nine days now. Praise God! Being on the steroid shots has caused me to be a fussier baby than I normally am, but it is worth it to get rid of the seizures. The other great thing about those shots is that it has brought back my appetite. I wouldn’t truly be a girl from the Horn lineage if I weren’t such a big eater. :-) Anyway, Dr T let us know that while he is encouraged about my current state, he still doesn’t know why I am having the seizures in the first place. A few more of the tests have come back, but they haven’t told him anything definitive. A few of the results were “interesting” to him. However, he said that in any other situation the results would not be that significant. Dr Gibson, the metabolic specialist, is back in town and Dr T is going to get him in the loop to see if we can find an answer.
Daddy told Dr T that we were going to see the neurologists at Scottish Rite in a few weeks and he thought that was great. I think he feels the more people trying to figure out what is going on with me the better. I know that Mommy and Daddy will feel so much better when we can get a handle on things.
So, from here we go for more blood tests and maybe even another urine is so funny when Daddy tries to collect those! We’ll also get another EEG this week to see just how well those roids are working. It’s just another day in my all too medical life...Peace and blessings.
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