So, here’s the thing. You eat less than half the calories you are supposed to for a two week period and you stay the same weight. Then, you begin to more than double your calorie intake for a period of a few days and you lose four or five ounces (trust me, that’s a big deal when you are my size). Doesn’t really make sense, does it? What it does do is make all of us positive that I need the g-tube.
Tomorrow morning at 5:30 we will arrive at the hospital to check in for yet another procedure. You think as many times as we have been there over the past year we would get some sort of “preferred” status and not have to go through the long check in process. It could be like Hertz Gold membership...we walk up to the hospital, there is a card with my name on it, a guy standing by the elevator saying, “Welcome back Miss Crocker. We have your usual room ready and I sent up an extra pack of Huggies because I know how much you love them,” and we go straight to my room. You only have to show up 20 minutes before your procedure’s start time. I should tell the people at Methodist this, they will probably cut my bill in half because of the great idea...oh, and if you stay two nights you get a third free...I could go on for days with these things, but I don’t want to give away all my brain gems.
Anywho, the procedure starts at 7:30 and should last about 20 minutes. I will then have a tube coming out of my tummy that Mommy and Daddy will be able to feed me through. The plan is for me to try and eat during the day and then receive booster feedings at night to keep me at the level I need to be. Hopefully this will give me enough strength to eat on my own and get the tube out.
Just about an hour ago I felt a little hot and when Mommy took my temp she found that I had around a 101. Not something you want to hear right before you are supposed to have surgery, cause they like frown on that and stuff. We panicked around here. I actually assumed the position I have taken all day long, screaming and fussing. I had some ibuprofen shoved down me, got a bath, and then had an unspeakable atrocity occur. Papi (one of my grandfathers...if your keeping track at home this is his fourth or fifth name grandparent name, but the one we think we have landed on for good...that is until I start to speak and rename him) came over and introduced me to the unnatural rectal thermometer. He says those new fangled devices my parents use aren’t as accurate. I must counter with, who cares?! They are much more lady like. But it showed I hace around 99.5. Papi ( a doctor) said we should call the surgeon and let him know in case he wanted to cancel for tomorrow. Thankfully, we got him quickly and he said it shouldn’t be a problem because my fever is more than likely because of dehydration...nice.
We are praying for God’s grace through all of this. That I would be healed completely and that nothing would take away from the arrival of my little brother. Who, btw, has turned back around and is heading in the right direction, due to make his appearance at any moment. If it weren’t for that meddling A-rod hitting a game winning homer last night against the Sox things would be just peachy...I mean accept for the whole g-tube, dehydration, not eating type know.
Grace and peace to you all.
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