It has been almost a week now that I have been off of the steroids. The good news is that I have started to sleep all night long again and my appetite has returned to one more lady-like. The issue that comes with being off of the roids is that there is a possibility the seizures will return. If they do I can’t go back on the shots because it is too dangerous. So, we would have to return to some of the drugs I tried before, but at bigger doses. Should this happen, there is a chance that I will fall back into a drug comma and have my development delayed again. Mommy and Daddy seem to think that they have seen some signs of the seizures returning. I haven’t been acting myself lately (so they say). It could be that I have had a head cold and am just feeling weak from that. Or it could be the same signs that were seen just before I started having seizures the first time. Either way we are really praying that the seizures would not return! I like laughing and smiling and I am starting to figure out how to sit up by myself. Quite frankly I don’t want to go back to where I was...I like where I am headed. Please pray that these seizures would be stopped completely, that only normal activity is going on in my brain, that my development would continue, and that I would not regress from the progress I have made.
On the hip front...we have moved the surgery to Oct 10th because the docs want me off the steroids at least a month before I undergo a major surgery. We will still have the surgery in Dallas and will do both hips at once. There is a chance that I will be in a body cast for 6 weeks, but more than likely it will be 3 months. Mommy and Daddy are trying to decide if the color of my cast should match my Halloween costume (I’m going to be a ladybug) or my Christmas dress. Any thoughts you might have would be great. We all still believe that God can place my hips permanently in their sockets before the surgery. Please join us in prayer for that.
Thank you so very much for all of your prayers. We are overwhelmed at your generosity in the Spirit and know that God is listening.
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