Well, I liked it so much the first two times, I had to go back for more. Since I am such an overachiever, less than 5% of people who go through what I have been through have to experience a cast again, I have decided to try out a new cast.
This time I was going for a little LL Cool J. My left leg (the one that had the surgery) is in a cast down to my ankle and in a somewhat straighter position than I have had before. My right leg is in a cast to just above me knee and in a similar position as it was last time. The different position of my legs has caused a new dilemma. How do I sit? My chair, that has practically become part of my body, doesn’t really work anymore. Fortunately, Daddy has made me a booster seat out of a 2x8 until he can make me a new seat.
The adjustment to this cast has been much easier than the rest, probably because we are pros at it now. I have been in some pain because they had to open me up and cut and sew things together. Basically, the doctor said that he was tightening the “sock” around the hip socket to keep the ball in and that this should take care of it. We go back in six weeks to take a look at everything and change casts...maybe. He said that we could go back into another cast for about four weeks, or maybe into a harness of some kind. Probably the same type harness I was in right after birth. But it is not what we were hoping for in this time of our lives. We thought we would have moved on by now, on to new things, but God has another story for us.
One amazing thing that happened while we were at Scottish Rite this time was that Mommy got to be the “expert” for someone. There was another little girl, a few months older than me, down the hall that was having to be put into a cast similar to mine. Mommy went down to talk with her mommy about life in a cast. It is not something you ever want to be proficient at, but when you are it is good to share your knowledge. The story of this child was heart breaking. She had some hip problems right after birth, just like me. The doctors treated her in a harness, just like me, but for her it worked. Then, just when everything seemed to being going well for them they were in a car accident. A drunk driver hit them and caused the little girl to regress quite a bit. Because of that crash she had to be put in the cast. The amazing thing about this story was the faith of the little girl’s mother. Even in their darkest hour this woman was praising God. I know that Mommy went down there trying to be a blessing to that family, letting them know all of the intricacies of spica casts, but I really know that they were a blessing to us showing us the awesomeness of God. That is the greatness of the Body of Christ, we surround each other in the love of God when we need it most. We most likely will not see that family again until we meet in the hereafter, but I know they have made a difference in our family that will last our lifetimes. We will never know how much we are used to further the love of Christ and the Kingdom of God until we meet Him face-to-face, but that should never stop us from being His hands and feet always.
On a side note (ahhhh! Darrell will get that) we have no words to express how humbled and grateful we are at the outpouring of love from our family, friends, and, honestly, people we don’t even know. To be touched by the finger of God here in this world, by His people, is something that makes us want to be better followers of Christ. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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