That’s right...on January 5th, 2007, I started the year off with a bang. I busted out of my cast. This is a photo that Daddy took with his phone, so sorry about the quality, but look at my legs. My Aunt Sarah says I am doing a perfect herky. Maybe cheerleading is in my future, unless Daddy has anything to say about it.
I can’t tell you how good it feels to be able to feel my legs again. After three months, a quarter of my life, they sure do itch! This picture was taken at one of the only moments I was not trying to scratch my way through my pants. The good news is that will go away in time and I will be able to get back to my normal move of scratching my head. My legs are still out like they were for the last three months. The Dr said that we should expect my legs to stay that way for about a month, but I am already starting to pull my left leg in. They sure are sore though and unfortunately, for Mommy and Daddy they get to hear about it.
It sure is amazing how God has healed my hips through this procedure. The Dr said my hips looked great and that I should have no problem in the future. Most people have hip surgery in their 80’s, I just thought I’d get a head start on the game.
So, if you are keeping track at home...that’s 5 surgeries, 2 MRI’s, 1 MRS, 4 CAT scans, 5 x-rays, 4 sonograms, 2 body casts, and 1 helmet (all numbers are guesses by Daddy at a late hour, so don’t hold me to them :-) basically, a total body make-over all during my first year of life. Bring on 2007!
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