I know. I’m as shocked as you are that I am quoting a Paula Abdoul song, but it is appropriate right now. It seems that each time we move forward in something we seem to get some other news that moves us back. Last week was such a good week. We were feeling great about how much I was eating, the fact I was making sounds, and how I was starting to sit up more (with help). Then, we went to the GI doc on Thursday to see how I was doing. We went in to the appointment feeling good because of how much I was eating. Turns out baby food has very little calories in it. So, while I was filling my tummy with food, it was not calorie rich and I wasn’t gaining weight, or gaining height either. It seems that while I need about 1100-1200 calories a day I was only getting around 500. The doctor said it is time for the g-tube. It really felt like a kick in the stomach. Before the visit we felt great about things and then ...
We went to his other office to talk about the procedure with the doc who will do it. None of us felt very good about this. Because of my little brother’s impending arrival, though, we decided to set Tuesday as the date. We are still praying that God will intervene somehow.
The nutritionist told us that we could open up the pantry and give me whatever I would take...so, let the games begin. Both Thursday and Friday I had over 1000 calories. Praise God. I slowed down yesterday, still way ahead of where I was though. Today I am doing better than yesterday, but I have been just plain out of it, sleeping most of the day. Mommy and Daddy are a little worried about me. I’m praying that my new calorie count will help keep the g-tube out. Please pray that God would give me all I need to grow both spiritually and physically. We are pretty scared about all of this.
On a better note, I have been sleeping through the night again for the last two nights. Yea...for all of us.
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