Ok...here’s the deal. Last week Mommy was worried that I was not eating enough so she called my doctor. He said I needed to have 640 cal a day and I actually was having around 840. So, that was good. But he did want us to come in and weigh to make sure I was gaining enough weight. If I wasn’t he wanted me to go see a GI doc...to talk about putting in a g-tube. That is a tube that would go into my belly and I would be fed through it. Not something any of us wanted. The blessing was that I had gained enough weight so it was not an issue.
Then there is this week. For some reason I have decided not to eat much. I will suck down a little Pediasure, but that is about it. Not only do I need to be gaining weight I also need to be eating so that I can take my seizure meds. Mommy and Daddy are very worried about me. They don’t know if this is something because of my condition, if it is because I am teething, or if it is because my cast is too tight on my belly. Please pray that I will regain my appetite and eat enough for my meds and for me to continue to gain weight. Also pray that feeding me would not be the chaotic scene it is currently...I know it seems silly for me to be speaking about myself this way, but hey, I don’t know what is going on either.
We do continue to see God moving in our lives, we just really need to see Him right now because our faith and patience are pretty weary. Thank you for your prayers.
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