A lot has happened over the past two weeks. My teeth are still coming in, which is a good thing. My diarrhea is not as bad, I was on an antibiotic which made it worse, but now I am off of it. My seizures became much longer and more pronounced, so I was put on another medicine. Unfortunately, that medicine made me angry, so I am no longer on it. The good news is that I have been seizure free for about a week now, praise God. And I still am not eating as much as I should be. We have seen a speech therapist and a nutritionist to help with my eating problems, hopefully we will figure something out because a girl needs to get her grub on.
Mommy and Daddy seemed to be exhausted and at the point of breaking, so I decided to send them on a last minute trip out of town. This would give me a chance to spend some time with Honey and Dudda. And give them a chance to rejuvenate.
Now that they are back we have some work to do. Before they left we got some great news, I qualified for the MDCP (Medically Dependent Children’s Program). This is a state program that will give us a nurse in our home a few days a week. This will really be a blessing for Mommy as it will give her some respite time and someone to help give me all me medicines. I really don’t mind the drugs, its just I like to make a fuss over them so that when my parents get them in me they feel like they’ve accomplished something great. Its the little things, you know?
Anyway, this week we have started interviewing nurses. We met with one this morning who seemed very nice, but we have some more interviews scheduled for later this week. We are praying that God would direct us to the right person to have in our home.
Thanks for all of your prayer and support it is truly a blessing to each of us.
p.s. Oh yah. I am going to see the GI doctor this week because of my eating issues and I’m not gaining weight like I should. Add another specialist to my list!
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