Ok. So, we are so excited about the fact that I have started sitting up by myself. I can get from my back to my knees, then to my tucus in no time flat, but apparently with great power comes great responsibility. Generally when my diaper is being changed I am lying down on a table. I have a wall behind me, a wall to one side, the crib to the other, I am basically surrounded...except on one side. The other day when I was being changed, the person changing me (no names needed, they felt terrible enough) turned around to put my diaper in the “Champ” (which incidentally is the greatest thing, except for the fact that it can’t hold in the smell of my brother, but in fairness his diapers cold peel the paint off a ship, but I digress) and that is when I decided to make my move. Unfortunately, my move took me to the ground. The fall wasn’t too bad, but it did cause me some pain. Doc later took a look at me and thinks that I broke my collar bone. Nice. There is nothing we can do about it, but take some tylenol and wait for it to heal, about a few weeks. That’s one.
Then, I was chilling out in our living room, just sitting and playing with some toys. I decided to try and crawl, moved to my knees, reached for something, lost my balance, and met the wood floor in a more personal way. I immediately got a huge bump on my forehead that was almost the size of a golf ball, black and blue, with a little red spot at the tip. I was not happy. That’s two.
I know this is part of growing up and learning how to walk, etc. But, come on! Kids are usually mush smaller when they are going through this and more...well, bouncy. The great thing about this was that Mommy and Daddy were so upset by this they were paying extra extra attention to me. Daddy was giving me zurburts on my legs which felt so funny. I decided to brighten their day a little and gave some huge smiles. Then, I made their week and laughed. It was the first time I had laughed in like six to ten months.
Tuesday, I go to the hospital to get a CAT-scan and maybe an x-ray of my collar bone. The scan is of my sinus area. Since birth I have had a constant runny nose. Kleenex are a huge part of my life and we are finally going to find out why...hopefully.
It is 6:30 as I write this and the Red Sox are about to start...Daddy needs my full attention. I’ll write more later. May the Peace that passes all understanding be upon you...and Go Sox!
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