It’s that time of year again, the Pumpkin Patch has come to AHUMC. Soon it will be flooded with kids of all ages, taking their family pictures and picking out the perfect orange canvas to carve this year’s master jack-o-lantern. The weather is starting to get cooler...well at least, not as hot, football is in full swing, it is the change of seasons...Texas style.
We at the Crocker house have been through a lot of different seasons over the past two years. Many of them have been too difficult to remember, many have been better than we deserve. It seems that we are always changing seasons, usually at the pleasure of HM (that’s High Maintenance for those of you who don’t know Corbin), but sometimes change is good. God tells us in Ecclesiastes that there is a season for everything. In those dark and difficult seasons we are able to depend on the strength of our Lord and we praise Him for His mercies. In those times of plenty we are able to rejoice in the blessings of the Lord and praise Him for his goodness. Today we are in the midst of a good season, praise God! I am continuing to get stronger at sitting and am so close to crawling Daddy knows it is going to happen any moment. My balance is getting better and I have been much more content lately. And don’t get me started on my baths! Boy, do I love these. I have these great singing dolphins that my friend Sarah gave me. They float around the tub while I swipe at them and play with the water. I like baths so much that when Mommy or Natalie try to take me out I refuse to raise my arms when they say “Up”, and in fact, I will grab hold of my bath seat and not let go. What do they not get about me loving my baths? A girl likes to get her soak on, you know?
So...anyways, I just wanted to give praise to God for the season that we are in currently, even HM is doing well. By the way, he is 4 months old today and yes, we know he is big for his age, check out the latest photo on the Photos 2 page. We do ask that you continue to pray for my eating. The feedings through the tube are going well for the most part, but I am still refusing to take anything by mouth. I was for a while, but am no longer. We sure would like to start the new year with more mouth feedings and less tube feedings, I know that it would be sooo much better for all of us. However, in all things we praise God!
p.s. wait until you see what Corb and I are going to be for Halloween, not that we celebrate Halloween. We know it is a pagan holiday, but seriously, what other day can you go to people’s houses, knock on their door and get free candy?! Peace
(eds note: not all family members are in agreement about the holiday)
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