Ok, here we go...
My chronic di-di has ended, but the rash goes on. My feedings are going well and staying down; we are all very thankful for that. We are still a little tentative on the formula I am taking, but things are looking much better than they were a month ago.
During this, ahhh...vacation...we took a trip to Dallas to go se our friends at Scottish Rite. It has been around six months since our last visit and I was do for a look-see. We walked in feeling great about things, in the hip are, I mean. I have been crawling very well, I am pulling myself up beautifully, and it seems I am getting stronger and stronger. So, when Dr. H came in and announced that things didn’t look as good as he would like, we were a little shocked. In fact, we were crest fallen. He let us know that my hips were no longer as deep in the sockets as they were a few months after the surgery. His explanation was that my hips are just “tough.” Ok. The long and the short of it is that we will go back in six months to see were we stand. If they have progressed back out of the sockets, then we will have to have another surgery. However, they could correct themselves and secure their position in the sockets. This could be the greatest forecasting of a prayer request ever, but please pray that my hips will get deeper in their sockets, that all tendons, ect. would tighten around them, and that we would not have to have another surgery. I am moving so well right now and being in a body-cast for another three months...
On a good note I have been very open to putting things in my mouth again. I have a new speech therapist, Donna, who comes twice a week to give me intensive instruction. Recently, I have put lollipops, toys, fingers, tissues, and other things into my mouth. This might not seem like a huge deal, but for months my mouth has been closed tighter than Fort Knox. I also took a few bites of smashed bananas from a spoon last weekend. Look, the hunger strike is not over as of yet, but the forecast looks good. Mommy and Daddy are so thankful to God for all that He is doing in my life and all of the ways that God has blessed me. All of us, Corbin included, are thankful for all of you who support and encourage us. Thanks for taking the time to check in on me and please know that I will be much better at keeping this thing utd.
Peace and Blessings upon you all.
p.s. In case you are wondering about the other dude, Corbin is crawling all over the place. hooray...and he is also standing every chance he gets and looks to be very close to walking...yea...their goes the neighborhood...
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