As many of you know I had my tonsils and adenoids removed and had some nose surgery done last Tuesday. Mommy wrote this during our stay at the hospital and wanted to share how great God is.
Blood on her face
She’s winning this race
As I held my baby girl, my heart broke as I looked down on her bloody streaked cheeks and nose.
But later, as Michael and I laid our hands on her in prayer, the Lord filled me with such an overwhelming and sweet word…that our daughter is running a race for the King. It has not been an easy one, but she is taking it with stride, taking it with grace and experiencing such victories along the way (her latest one being crawling)! No, the race over these past two years has not been an easy one and at many times not a pretty race for her dad and I to be a part of, but I feel so honored and privileged that God has selected us to have front row seats to watch Gracie, “press on toward the goal to win the race for which God has called her heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
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