It’s that time of year again. There is a crispness in the air, the leaves are starting to turn (yah, brown, I know. we live in south texas), there is a little bounce in everyone’s step as the holiday season approaches, and we make our annual trek to Seguin for the Horn family Thanksgiving. If you know my Grandpa Doc it wont surprise you that the inevitable, “what are you thankful for” question always seems to make an appearance. Last year we were thankful for Mommy being pregnant with Corbin, well they were thankful, my jury is still out. JK little bro! This year we are thankful for my little niece that Aunt Fun is do to drop any day. We’re thankful for Corbin, (There I said it. Are you happy Daddy?) and truly we are thankful for all of the progress I have made over the past few months.
If you haven’t seen me in a while you wouldn’t recognize me, but I might recognize you. I have been really checking things out lately. Playing with all sorts of things. I purposefully will grab for stuff and I definitely know what I want. And when I want something, watch out if I don’t get it. Daddy keeps saying something about my poor husband, not too sure what that means, but if it is what I think it is, how rude!...and it works for Mommy :-) (anyone else get the Full House reference?) For some reason what I want usually happens to be what Corbin has, interesting.
I also have taken a new liking to these Mommy and Daddy people that are always around. I really like to look at them and play with them and when they walk by I will generally reach out to them. Just to give them a hug, then it is back to playing. A girl needs her space, you know?
Speaking of playing, you should see how great I am at sitting now. I have the balance of a ballerina, the reach of a giraffe, and can scoot with the best of them. I really like to roam around the family room playing with my toys; and they are my toys, I don’t care what Corb says! So, you might be thinking the next step for me is to crawl...done.
That’s right, little Gracie is mobile. The doctors were not sure that I would ever be able to do this, well they were not sure about a lot of things, some of which I am doing (go God!), but a few weeks ago, on a Thursday morning I was on my parents bed waiting for Daddy to get ready to go to work. He put the phone on the bed for me to play with. I really like the phone. Just when I was really into the phone he pulled it away from me! How rude! (see comment above) He put it just out of my reach, so I had to really stretch for it. I got into the crawl position, reached out my hands, pulled my knees forward, reached out my hands again and eureka! The phone was mine again. Daddy got real excited and took the phone from me again to call Mommy and tell her. Mommy was real excited too, but a little jealous that Daddy got to see it first. Since no one else saw it Daddy was feeling that he needed proof, but I was holding out. Then, Mommy and Daddy were getting ready to go to a party and I decided to give them a real gift. I did it again and Mommy got to see. Daddy felt vindicated, Mommy elated, and I just wanted the stinking phone!
We are truly blessed. The past few years have not always been the greatest. We have had some big moments of anger, disappointment, frustration, sadness, but we’ve also had those moments of joy, laughter, thankfulness, and peace. Our journey has done a few things. It has made us closer to God than we ever imagined possible. You see, even though there have been times that we were angrier with God than a Longhorn after the latest loss to the Aggies, we know that it is through the strength and peace of God that we have made it. It is through the love of God’s family that we have found support and encouragement.
We also have been able to use our story to support and encourage others. Not that we would wish any malady upon anyone, we know people who have gone through tough times since I have come around. We also have met people because of my life, but in all of those God has used the lesson we have learned to help others see His face during their own story. It is such a truly humbling gift to be used by God for His glory. We are thankful that He chose us. Don’t get me wrong, there are times that we are still angry, tired, sad, etc..., but to think that God would want to use us to show someone His glory is, well what I said above, humbling.
Thank you, God for your love and mercy. Thank you for your healing touch that has been with me from the moment of my birth. Thank you for the amazing progress I have made. Thank you for your family that has been Your love and support right when we needed it. Thank you, God for being the great I AM. We find our peace and assurance in you and pray that during this Christmas season all would do the same.
BTW...In the interest of full disclosure, that dark coloration you see on Corbin’s jumper is drool, what a baby.
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