My heart wells up and just wanted to share.
This morning as I was getting ready for church, the Lord deeply impressed it upon my heart to get serious with Him in prayer for His Gracie girl to talk.
I heard her trying to say something to Corbin as they were in her room playing (door locked:) as I did my 5 minute get ready routine:) and oh, how it gave me this huge ache for her.
So I am moved to call upon His people to pray specifically for this as well (oh, how I know you do pray for her and how giantly thankful we are).
Yes, she has come far and is saying more words but we want more. She wants more. She has so much to say and I wanna talk with her. I want her to be able to talk with her friends and really get to be a part.
Loved the timing too, as Michael preached on hope and how God has moved with G's eating...boy did He answer our prayers for that far beyond what we thought He would do...yes, she grabbed a cookie at HEB this morning without me noticing:)!
So COME ON...We ask you to breakthrough and help your daughter talk more as we know and believe you can! Thank you Lord, mighty you are!