Thankful for this little indian.
Thankful that this little girl, "Running Turtle" (the indian name she was given at school, written on the back of her shirt) teaches me more about Jesus than I'd sometimes like or ask for:)
Thankful that Grace is running!
Thankful that Jesus so quickly forgives me for my so many shortcomings with and towards her.
Thankful that I was chosen to be the mommy for this child of promise.
Thankful that she has a brother that is tender hearted because of her.
Thankful that this girl has brought a perspective and freedom into my life that I might not have had.
Thankful that our marriage is stronger because of her.
Thankful that this girl is sleeping in a big girl bed!
Thankful that this girl no longer needs ANY medications (other than the common cold stuff), first time in 5 1/2 years, yes, giant!
Thankful that this girl loves school!
Thankful that I have begun the journey to being a wearer of big girl undies!
Thankful, praise Jesus, that Miss Grace no longer needs a feeding tube!
Thankful for Stella and Charlotte, this little indian's new friends!
Thankful that Gracie said "outside" while sitting in a circle of classmates at school.
Thankful that God is her Maker.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
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