YES, today (November 9, 2011) was the day! It really happened.
I know I just told y’all about me going poopy in the potty, well, Duffy, my teacher said she thinks it's time for underwear (to which my mom really got a little overwhelmed by...excited yet woah-ed by).
SO, she bought me some undies and plastic underwear "covers" at Target and off I went today! I did pretty well:) yes, a few "accidents" but stayed dry from 11-1! Duffy and mommy are very proud of me.
I think I heard my parents say they'd love prayers for patience and endurance to help me get this thing down!
PS- My mom wanted to share that she was really encouraged by this song at her WAG study this morning talking about God being the Great I AM...that He is the great I AM of me, every area of me, potty training included. It is so not too big for our God to handle. Woosh, thank goodness!
Much love to you all!
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