Let me start this blog with an email that a friend sent me TODAY!
Hey missy-
Strangest thing this morning, but as I was praying for you all and especially Miss Grace, the Ephesians verse came to mind and I just blurted it out. I am claiming it for you all and for Grace!
"Now to Him who is able to do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY more than we ask or imagine...." Yes Lord, continue to do more than we can possibly ask or imagine with Grace. Continue your good work in that precious child of yours. Boy do we love her so!!
Anywho, just had to share with ya since you're her mama!
Love ya friend,
So, here is my reply, sharing what happened at school TODAY!!
sweet friend...
i cannot even tell you how much this means to me. AND, you are not going to believe what happened on the very day (today) that you prayed this...
I picked Grace up from school and Miracle told me that GRACE SAT ON THE POTTY! Talk about way more than I had hoped for in this stage in the game and with all else that's been going on! SO, hello, NO strange thing that you prayed this TODAY! Thank you Lord for my sweet friend standing in and believing in the gap for us!!!
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