To give a brief sum up...We have been hugely blessed to receive help for Gracie via paid for hours by the state for the past almost 5 years. Well, about a month ago, after a meeting and some paper work, we were told that she would no longer be receiving hours from the state, mainly due to the fact that medically she has improved tremendously, which we SO praise God for.
However, we were of course bummed to say the least, as this help has been such a gigantic help to our family as a whole, especially Grace. SO, we faxed in letters from her doctors as an appeal, but were again denied. We then had one last chance to fight for her help which was through a recorded 3 way conference call with our rep and the state.
Minutes into our call we find out that medicaid did not show up for our conference call (which we later found out was unheard of) so in big words we were told that the orders had been reversed and that our full hours of help would continue for another year!
So can you now see where the speechless part came into play?! Truthfully, we went into this phone call with a little hope, but already kind of making other plans as to how we would receive our help (can you say, oh you of little faith?!)
Right after our conference call ended, our amazing little rep here in town called us, (who was also part of the conference call to defend us) clarified what had just happened and said, you guys, "ONLY GOD CAN DO STUFF LIKE THIS." He then said that in 38 years, between himself and the nurse, they had never seen anything like this happen.
We truly felt like we were experiencing a miracle right before our eyes.
Just like we are this Easter weekend, when God has so often, so awesomely shown up in Grace's life in such giant ways...her body cast being removed and her feeding tube taken out, yep both giant moves of God! Both on Easter weekend!. How great and able He is to do things WAY beyond our greatest hopes or imaginations.
A giant thank you to you all for cheering us on through your prayers, emails and texts, for SO rejoicing with us and screaming Halleluiah and how amazing and big our God is!!
He is Risen and IS alive and well and on the move in all of our lives!
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