Strange blog title and way long time ago picture, yes, but powerful lesson and sweetness of God, yes.
Let me explain. For those of you who know us well, know that the potty training thing with missy has been wearing us out.
Truly so much so that I was about ready to throw in the towel until a later day.
Well, last night I had a dream that Grace went poppy on the potty in Duffy's room. Sounds simple yes, but for us and Miss Grace, this would be a big break though, especially since we've been at a standstill kind of since Thanksgiving time.
So, I woke up this morning refreshed, with a new hope in my heart.
Not like a yes, it will be smooth sailing from here on out, but a deep peace and thankfulness that God was hearing the cry and frustration in my heart over this grueling process (sounds intense, yes, but really how I feel about it often:).
Anyways, 1:45 came and as I drove to pick Gracie up, yes, I did wonder if she had a big potty moment, but bigger still, just thankful for the peace that it is going to happen in His time. cool that Mrs. Duffy reported that Grace did have a little nugget (poopy that is) come out in the toilet!!
Basically just wanted to share that God does know our hearts..."For God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything." 1 John 3:20
PS- Doesn't she look like a sweet little nugget (not the poopy kind:)...that's what I was going for!
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