"Call to me and I WILL answer you. And tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Oh, sisters(&brothers), we are calling. And on my walk this morning I was REALLY calling out. Really wanting God to speak, to show and to answer me.
I feel like He was telling me to be patient but oh, don't like how this place feels.
For what am I calling out, you may ask?!
Well, there are currently several things on the line up.
They are the potty, the phone, the summer, and more helpers! (oh my)! get it, the song?!
Anyways, most of you already know the first one on the list, but it is still there, in case you were wondering:)
For reals, yes she has had some success, but it is just such a roller coaster and we are really weary from it.
There are so many different voices and opinions coming towards us (which sometimes can be great) but we just wanna hear what HE wants us to do with Miss Grace Crocker on the potty. Pull ups or not? Etc. Etc...
Yes, as most of you also know, if you know Grace, the lovely iPhone is such a blessing and a curse in her world. It is just about her greatest love. Which, as you can imagine, if she can't have yours, she is obsessed and will beg until she can have yours or someone else's. Her teachers have suggested taking all iPhone use alway from her (except Michael and mine). Big Sigh! I mean, this would mean h_ll in our social world for awhile. We haven't taken this plunge yet, don't really want to, but are feeling like we maybe should start the phone ban. So, please pray for us on this one. Gosh, if you are still reading, God bless you!
Yes, I realize, the summer is a little ways off, but it is usually around this time of year that Mommy Crocker begins the "let me not be fearful but prayer-full" about planning Grace's summer. She is a MAJOR go go girl and thrives in school. So, you can imagine how the summer sends me into a panic. So, again, we would LOVE your prayers that God would organize a most excellent agenda for Grace this summer to keep the peace for all in the Crocker casa:)
Yes, we have been blessed beyond measure by some jewels of helpers for Miss Grace, but we are now close to a dry spell. Our college girls have left and our few senior girl helpers are about to graduate. We know God always provides for us, and would love your prayers for some helpers who have a heart to work and hang with G (mainly in the evening times but will probably need some day help this summer).
For real, you are a die hard fan and lover of Jesus and Grace Crocker if you have made it this far!
Thank you for listening, loving, praying and CALLING OUT TO GOD on our behalf for these things!
You die hards have also gotten and will get front row seats in hearing of the victories HE has done and WILL do!
Thank you and we love you!
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