All was greatness and victorious minus a few low moments, one lower than the others, that I had with Grace.
And all was a good in our return back to home until we discovered that Michael and I's bikes were stolen from our back patio.
Why do I share these 2 things in one spot?
Well, it wasn't until I was mowing our grass this evening (such a happy place for me:) that God clearly showed me a similarity in the two.
The similarity is found in this verse:
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
Let me explain and start by sharing that Grace Crocker is not a big fan of the beach.
But oh how she loves the pool and all else involved in this vacation with my family.
Not that I am a huge beach person, but its part of my every summer and I love to dig my toes in the sand and make a lovely drip castle.
Anyway, it was our last full day at the beach and my mom, sister and I were having such a chill moment together which soon lost its fun after about the 13th time that Grace got my face, asking to go to the pool, to which I snapped and took her to the golf cart to go.
It was in this moment that I was by myself in the golf cart that I went back to that way dark place that I was in years ago. What? Ugh, that made me so mad. I am so not in that place anymore.
The dad gum thief was trying to steal the victory place that Jesus has brought me into.
Just like the thieves came to steal our bikes.
Were both things upsetting? Yes.
Could both lead me into a place of major fear? Yes.
But I am clinging to the word of what Jesus has given me - life, life to the full.
Life so full that Grace said, "Tio" (meaning Uncle Jeff) for the first time and had such sweet bonding time with her cousins that she loves to pieces!
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