Thanks to a worship song this past Sunday "We give you Thanks," by Sons and Daughters and an amazing teaching by rockstar Ashlee on Wednesday, God has been gently nudging me to the bigness of thankfulness.
SO, I wanted to take a moment and share 2 big victories that have occurred with Miss Grace this week!
First was a few days ago...we were on our way somewhere, loading up into the car and Corbin exclaimed, "mom, she did it all by herself!"
Yes, G opened up the door, got in her seat, and closed the door, ALL by HERSELF!" May sound small to some, but a big victory in the Crocker casa!
And she was very pleased, as I know Corb was, as he is always the one helping to hook her in:)
The 2nd victory was today! We were at the Boyntons house, a favorite stop:) G did her normal snoop dog explore the house and a few minutes later walked down the hall with a smirk smile on her face:) So Cindy walked down to the guest room to discover that Gracie had found the ipad and phones that Cindy had hidden to help G not be tempted.
So here it comes, she had found these devices yet did NOT try to take and play with them!!! Yes, giant folks!
Just wanted to take a moment to share the praise and say thank you!
Love to you
Psalm 16:5-7
Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
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