How thankful I am that I am just a visitor on this earth.
Tears roll down as I type this, back from my first time as a "visitor" to our Gracie girl's lunch time at Cambridge.
How excited I was. How excited she was (so I hear from her teachers...being that Grace kept saying my name and wanting nothing to do with school)!
Yes, so exciting to see her, to sit where she sits with her classmates.
Yes, but how hard it was to see how she stood out from the "norm"...her wheelchair, her special plate, her not really being able to answer questions about her day, her desire to do or play nothing normal on the playground.
Oh, Jesus, I know you know the bigger picture. I thank you for the MIGHTY things you have and will continue to do through this beautiful girl of Yours.
I thank you that heaven is my home and that I am just a "visitor" passing through, having the hope of you and what you say and think that really matters.
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen." For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18
Amen Ginny!!!! I love you all!!!