9 years ago, it would have been an, oh my heart will ache so over you not being here to hang on the couch at night with me.
To now, almost 15 years in, this length of him being gone for so long was a, Lord help me be able to hold it together with our 2 little darlings, mainly Miss Grace Anne Crocker, for that long without me loosing it (and of course I still will miss hangin with you:)
Why do I give this long into? To share the coolness and sweetness of Our God.
So the day before Michael was to leave, my sister and I decided to grab a quick lunch together.
After we made it through the crowd, got situated at our table, Sarah said, "Ginna, look what's right next to you!"
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it was a painting of a redbird. Oh. my word. No way.
For those of you who don't know why this is such a big deal, I can explain more later, but basically, for years, God and I have had a thing with redbirds. Like every time I see one, it's like God is telling me, I've got this, it's gonna be good (like the day Michael proposed and the day before I gave a big talk about Grace, daily things and now this). WOW. It was the sweetest, most tangible way of God so sweetly and powerfully telling me, "I am so all over this trip. This time that you will be home solo with the kids, I know what's going on. Woah. The comfort this was to be can hardly be put into words.
So, to update, these past 2 days have been 2 of the worst behavior days and incidents with Miss Grace ever. Sigh.
BUT God has SO been carrying me and I just so so love that I have had and have this sweet picture and word from Him to hold on to (yes, I have this pic on my phone screen saver so I get to be reminded of His word to me often).
I love that when God shows up like this to me, it is such a powerful way to remind me that He is for real. Yes, I do have moments of doubting Him, so He is super sweet to drop in on my day like this!
My chicken salad sandwich was really good that day:)
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