Thursday, July 19, 2012

Take me out to the ball game!

We made it to our seats and have ice cream (in souvenir helmet) to share!
Yes, it was Grace and Corbin's 1st time to go to a big time baseball game!
You see, we have been so pumped about this outing ever since Grace's new 1st grade teacher invited our family to come meet the other students and families that would be in her class this coming year!
We were ALL planning on going up until about 30 minutes to leave time when we realized the crutches might not bond so well with the baseball stadium and all involved.
So, I busted out as bravely as I could, not really thinking it would happen, "I'll just take them," and 30 minutes later the 3 of us were on road with the directions in hand (since that is so not my strength).
And, yes, we made it there in one piece without getting lost (victory #1). little lady NOT such a fan of this experience at first!! (and she let her mommy know that:)

I am truly still in a state of complete shock and awe that I took both of them to a minor league baseball game BY MYSELF! Parking, seat finding, treat buying included:) Well, let me restate...with God's help and presence we took both of our wild Indians (one lady Indian much wilder than the other:) to the game!

I have little captions under the pics to tell more about our time!

Let me just close by saying I feel like a little personal home-run happened in this mom's heart tonight:)
So young and already showing promise...

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