No, this is not a picture of Grace, but it is a picture taken from her room, looking outside her window.
So, it is June 1st, the first day of summer. Most of you know I have been really anxious about summer (trying not to, trying to trust God, but summer is usually tough with Miss Grace, mainly because she is such a schedule girl, which is hard to be hard core with for almost 3 months when school is not in session).
Anyways, the kids and I had just gotten up, were in Grace's room, and I open up her curtains to find this picture that I took. Yes, I first see a nest, and then I see this huge mamma redbird sitting in the nest. For those of you who know me just fell off your chair. YES! God and I have had a huge thing with redbirds together for quite some time. Basically, any time I see one, it's as if God is saying to me, it's gonna be good (starting with the confirmation He gave me during prayer time, seeing 6 redbirds the day Michael proposed to me).
SO, you are getting the picture. How fine is this of the Lord to plant this redbird nest right outside my girls window and to show it to me for the fist time on the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER, something I have been so anxious about.
It's as if God so clearly said to me, "I've got this. I've got her. I am hovering over and about her window. I know you so well, know how to meet you and wanted to clearly speak this peace over your heart."
I mean, man!
So, we are now in the middle of June, and no, summer has not been completely rosy, but how thankful I am to have this deep, peaceful assurance that He's got this, He's got her and He's not surprised by what's goin on.
PS- The eggs have now hatched and it has been so much fun to watch these baby birds...I'm sad for them to ever leave, but know this is all part of His plan...more analogies goin on here...maybe or another time:)
Editor's Note: I was supposed to post this a while ago...the birds have since grown up and flown off to live their lives! |